The Challenge of Change for a Mayan Cultural Identity

Tuesday, October 1
10 – 11:30 AM
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Join us to explore through photography, the personal lives and culture of Indigenous Mayan people of Guatemala. Tom Hocker has partnered with them for thirty years to market their masterful weavings in a fair-trade manner. Through friendships he has gone deeper than commerce into the rhythms of family life, celebration, education, and faith practices. He will share the impact of corporate economy, mainstream media, war, and consequent immigration on indigenous Mayans.

Format: In-Person or Zoom | The facilitator will be in person.
Zoom registrants will receive Zoom sign-in information via email
upon registration and a reminder the day before the program.
If you have any questions or didn’t receive an email from us, please visit our General Information page for more details.

Facilitator: Tom Hocker

Tom Hocker, an award-winning photographer and poet, arrived in El Salvador and Guatemala in 1985 to document the social impact of civil war. His return every year or two ever since has produced an extensive archive of images. His poetry explores the awareness of time and its passing.

Details Price Qty
Mayan Cultural Identity In-Personshow details + $25.00 USD  
Mayan Cultural Identity Zoomshow details + $25.00 USD  
extra donation (select a quantity)show details + $5.00 USD  

  •  October 1, 2024
     10:00 am - 11:30 am