First Fridays: February 7, March 14, April 4 and May 2.
(Due to a scheduling conflict the March gathering will happen on March 14)
9:30 – 10:30 AM (CT)
time zone converter

Whole Body Mystical Awakening is a communal meditative prayer practice in which we activate our whole bodies – our hearts, minds, spiritual wombs, and feet – and encounter the transcendent God beyond us, the immanent God inside us, the intimate God beside us, and the embodied God in all of Creation. Once we are bathed in God’s presence, we open to the WeSpace among us – the Divine energy field that is always present. As we deepen our Divine connection and widen our circle, we send loving, healing energy to the world. It’s a beautiful practice and a wonderful opportunity for deep sharing and community. Come join us!

Facilitator: Bob Kent

Bob Kent is an interfaith minister and an alumnus of Richard Rohr’s Living School at the Center for Action and Contemplation. He loves the Universe Story, Celtic Christianity and creating spaces to help people connect with the Divine. He serves The Well as Facilitator of Spiritual Community.



Format: Zoom

To participate in this program, please register below. Zoom registrants will receive the Zoom link and passcode via email within 3 business days of registration. A reminder will be sent the day before each session. If you have questions or didn’t receive an email, please visit our General Information page. By registering for Circle of Light, you will receive an email reminder for each monthly gathering. You are welcome to attend any or all gatherings as you prefer.

Why Register?

  • Stay Informed: Receive important updates and reminders.
  • Help Us Enhance Your Experience: Your registration helps us track participation, prepare for the program, and ensure a smooth session for everyone.

For your convenience, the Zoom information is also available on this page. However, we strongly encourage you to register to help us better plan and deliver an excellent program, keeping our community thriving for the future.

Zoom Meeting Details:

  • Meeting ID: 448 814 3358
  • Passcode: gift

Suggested $10 Donation per session. To donate, choose increments of $10 in the box marked “Qty” – for example, Qty of 4 = $40.

Details Price Qty
Circle of Light | Zoom | Donation (select quantity)show details + $10.00 USD  
Circle of Light | Zoom | FREEshow details + $0.00 USD  

  •  April 4, 2025
     9:30 am - 10:30 am
  •  May 2, 2025
     9:30 am - 10:30 am