Tuesday, April 22
6 – 7 PM

The theme for Earth Day 2025 is “Our Power, Our Planet”. Earth Day is an invitation to come together and collectively honor our relationship with creation. Naming our current advocacy and generating ideas for the future is our “Power”. For those who participated in the Plastic Fast, it is an opportunity to share new awarenesses you garnered in the Lenten practice offered by the Well. Through prayer and ceremony we give thanks and witness to each other and to the Earth that sustains us. Afterwards, please join us for refreshments and continued conversation.

In Person in the Courtyard of The Well Spirituality Center

Weather contingency: If raining, we will meet in room 262.

Facilitator: Ellen Wiggins

Ellen Wiggins is a graduate of Seminary of the Wild and an ordained eco-minister. Active in the Wild Church Network, she has led contemplative meditation circles and co-facilitated earth-based gatherings through Wild Belongings, celebrating the Celtic Wheel of the Year. She is a long-time supporter of The Well.




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Earth Day | In-Person | FREEshow details + $0.00 USD  
Free Will Donation (select a quantity)show details + $10.00 USD  

  •  April 22, 2025
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm