Ash Wednesday, March 5 • 7 PM (CT)
Wednesday, March 26 • 7 PM
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This retreat begins with a communal Ash Wednesday Prayer Service with distribution of ashes and a reflection by Sr. Pat Bergen. Each participant spends half an hour per day in prayer and meets with a retreat director five times for a half hour during the 3-week retreat. The retreat ends with a group gathering on Wednesday, March 26, at 7 pm.

Format: In-Person or Zoom | The spiritual directors will be in person at The Well or on Zoom.

Spiritual Directors: Pat Bergen, CSJ, Celeste Cotter, CSJ, Barbara Boyd, Evelyn Lobo, SSpS

Pat Bergen is a Sister of the Congregation of St. Joseph whose mission is “Unity” flowing from John 17: 21, “That All May be One.” She is an educator, spiritual director, retreat and workshop facilitator, and restorative justice circle keeper who served 18 years in leadership of her congregation. Her doctoral dissertation is entitled “Communion with Creation: Implications for Prayer, Justice and Leadership.”

Evelyn Lobo, SSpS graduated with a doctoral degree from University of Buffalo and worked as a research scientist at Lilly (Indianapolis). She is a spiritual director, retreat, workshop and bible study facilitator. She enjoys being at the edge of discovery and revelation regarding sacred scriptures, creation, laws of nature, quantum physics and spirituality.

Barbara Boyd is a retired educator, certified spiritual director, mother of four, and grandmother of ten.

Celeste Cotter, CSJ has a master’s in Education and Pastoral Studies and is a certified spiritual director.

Details Price Qty
At-Home Lenten Retreat | In-Personshow details + $175.00 USD  
At-Home Lenten Retreat | Zoomshow details + $175.00 USD  
extra donation (select a quantity)show details + $5.00 USD  

  •  March 5, 2025 - March 26, 2025
     7:00 pm