Gail Worcelo LIVE on Zoom, Friday, May 1, 10 AM CST
Gail Worcelo and Amie Hendani, Sisters of Green Mountain, offer wisdom for this moment in time in an interactive presentation.
Zoom with our friends from Down Under
This Thursday, April 30 at 7PM CST on Zoom, spend an evening focused on ecology and eco-spirituality with our friends in Australia.
Earth Day resources from the Archdiocese of Chicago
Continue to celebrate Earth Day, and prepare for the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si.
A Sense of Wonder for Earth Day
blog by Peggy McGrath As we celebrate this special Earth Day, may we remember and be inspired by the spirituality of Rachel Carson..
Earth Day Sing-along with Kathy Sherman
Celebrate Earth Day with The Well, virtually - on Zoom! Tuesday, April 21 - 7-8 PM Earth Song Sing-along A special evening of music during this pandemic: Listen and sing along with Kathy Sherman, [...]
Easter Message: I Dream a World
Reflection by Bridget Sperduto This Easter season, can we join together in the spirit of Thomas Berry and re-imagine the future? read The Well's Easter message