Time to plan your summer retreats
From Directed to Hildegard, Legacy to Compassion, we have something for every hungry heart this summer. Take 5 days, or just an afternoon, to reflect, share, and enjoy the quiet. No need to worry about [...]
Lenten Programs flyer
Ash Wednesday and an At-Home Lenten Retreat for busy people lead off our Lenten programs. Download flyer. Please share! See program details/register
February Calendar
February is here! Click to download a PDF of the calendar. Peruse our Programs for further details.
Let’s Pray for a Peaceful Inauguration
THREE OPPORTUNITIES TO JOIN US TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Inauguration Vigil Prayer 6:30 PM (Central Time) There is much turmoil and fear ravaging our nation as we approach Inauguration Day. Gather for an Inauguration Vigil Prayer [...]
January programs to get excited about
The new semester is already upon us. Peruse, download and print a PDF of our January calendar. See our Programs page for details and to register.
Thanksgiving Day Prayer on Zoom
Join us at 9:30 AM (CT) for a short Thanksgiving Day prayer on Zoom with Kathy Sherman, CSJ and others. Meeting ID: 496 869 1459 Meeting Password: 614402 Hope to see you. Have a joyous [...]