A Fledgling Hummingbird Story

September 6th, 2023|0 Comments

Read the story of the fledgling hummingbird that fell from her nest one hot day in July. Watch the video From our second floor windows at The Well we can see miracles taking place!

What’s so special about Bloom in June?

April 25th, 2023|0 Comments

ENERGIZING LITURGY You won't fall asleep at this Mass! The music, the ritual, the Word, in the beautiful Alexine Chapel, will inspire and wake you up. It's here that we will honor our special guests, [...]

Meet us at Bloom in June, our Annual Fundraiser

March 30th, 2023|0 Comments

It's that Bloom time of year again! Right now we are seeking donations of fine bottles of wine ($15 value or more), gift cards from your favorite places, tantalizing auction items, ads from local businesses, [...]

Laudato Si’: change your life, change the world

December 20th, 2022|0 Comments

Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' inviting humanity to care for our common home. Five years later with urgency he invites the global community to action. Choose from seven programs this Winter/Spring to contemplate and act [...]