Happy Christmas
Greetings from The Well! Enjoy this recording. Original composition by Kathy Sherman, CSJ.
Getting to Know Gail Worcelo, SMG
This year’s Summer Institute at The Well will be lead by Gail Worcelo, SMG. A champion for the teachings of Thomas Berry and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Gail is a former Passionist Nun who [...]
The Well Honors Marya Grathwohl
On Saturday, April 21, 2018, after facilitating a hope-filled workshop “Inspiration in a Time of Climate Change” Marya Grathwohl was presented with the Sacred Universe Award at The Well Spirituality Center. The award, given [...]
Discover Your Core of Love
In the recent Transfiguration Gospel, Mark 9:2-10, Peter, James and John are given the mountain top experience of the radiance of Jesus, where the voice from a cloud said, ‘This is my Son, the [...]
Passionate Women of Faith
by Christine Schenk, CSJ It is nothing short of amazing that more than twice as many women are running for Congress in 2018 compared to 2016. While the political climate and the rise of the [...]
Happy Thanksgiving
On this Thanksgiving holiday, we hold dear the generous bounty of Earth and her fidelity to all her beings. May the lavish love Earth pours out on us be returned to her in our [...]