Grounding in God & Creation
The Call to Live into the “Here-and-Now-ness” of Our Lives with Resilience & Hope

Friday, November 15 • 6:30 PM (CT)
Sunday, November 17 • 4 PM
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In times of personal and social stress, and in the face of accelerating ecological distress, how do we “ground” our lives in God—and in God’s creation? How do we anchor ourselves in the “hereness” of this earth with its deep wisdom and hidden mysteries? How do we live into the flow that is earth’s inherent language? Join us for a weekend to explore how we might become more grounded in God’s real presence within and among us. We’ll listen to poets and mystics, artists and bards, who invite us to risk living into healing—for ourselves, others, and the earth with all its creatures. The experience of “grounding” focuses on voices and practices that “re-mind” us of who we are, inviting us to do what one poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, called the “heart-work” with the memories and images we carry—and that carry us. Come to discover what it means that we are “human becomings,” called by God to live with courage and resilience.

Format: In-Person or Zoom | The facilitator will be in person.

Zoom registrants will receive Zoom sign-in information via email
upon registration and a reminder the day before the program.
If you have any questions or didn’t receive an email from us, please visit our General Information page for more details.


Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Mark Burrows, PhD

Mark Burrows is well-known at The Well for programs he has offered over the last decade. Teacher, writer, retreat leader, scholar, poet and translator of German poetry, his work explores the field of Christian spirituality and connects the ancient wisdom of the mystics with modern life. Ordained in the United Church of Christ (USA), he taught in several divinity schools in the US and Germany before turning his focus entirely to writing and retreat leadership in 2020. Recent books include The Wandering Radiance: Selected Poems of Hilde Domin (2023), and, with Jon M. Sweeney, Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness and Light: Meditations on the Path of the Wayless Way (2023), and, most recently, a new translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Sonnets to Orpheus (2024). He lives and writes in Camden, Maine.

Details Price Qty
Retreat: Grounding in God & Creation In Person Commutershow details + $330.00 USD  
Retreat: Grounding in God & Creation In Person Overnightshow details + $400.00 USD  
Retreat: Grounding in God & Creation Zoomshow details + $300.00 USD  
extra donation (select a quantity)show details + $5.00 USD  

  •  November 15, 2024 - November 17, 2024
     6:30 pm - 4:00 pm