Looks like the Summer will bring a continuation of social distancing, to help everyone stay safe – but staying at home doesn’t have to mean staying the same…

Our Summer Retreats and Programs on Zoom will enable us, like never before, to connect with new people, fascinating ideas, and expansive spirituality from all over the country and around the world.

Here’s a summary of our Summer lineup. Please share this with friends! And help us by signing up early…

Paint Your Soul Virtual Retreat
Thursday, June 4 – Monday, June 8

THUR: 6:30 – 8 PM;  FRI: 6:30 – 8 PM;
SAT: 9 AM – 12 PM;  MON: 6:30 – 8:30 PM  (CST)

As we find ourselves participating in a pivotal moment on Earth and in human history, we invite you to process this time with a virtual art retreat of painting and story-telling. This retreat is for artists and non-artists alike. Cost: $150  (scholarships available)
Find out more/register


A Discerning Heart for a time of Pandemic
Friday, June 19 – Saturday, June 20

FRIDAY: 9-10:15 AM; 10:45-12:00 PM; 2:30-4:00 PM (CST)
SATURDAY: 9-10:00 AM; 10:30-12:00 PM (CST)

In the light of the Pandemic Crisis, we need to revisit our understanding of Christian Discernment, to embrace the evolutionary wisdom of our time, within the larger context of the New Earth Story and the urgent ecological challenges facing us today. Moreover, we also need a new understanding of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives as Earthlings, more in keeping with the notion of the Great Spirit long known to our indigenous peoples around the world. Cost: $70
Find out more/register


A Discerning Heart for a time of Pandemic
Monday, June 22 – Friday, June 26

M-F:  9:00-10:30 AM and 3:00-4:00 PM (CST)

On each day we will pick up one of the key topics from the June 19-20 weekend Summer Institute and deepen its meaning and application for daily life.
Topics: Adult Faith Today, From Devotion to Spirituality, Paradox and Spirituality, Images of God for our time, Incarnation.
Cost: $150 / $185 in combination with Summer Institute
Find out more/register


Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17
Spiritual Directors:
Pat Bergen, CSJ, Maria Hill, CSJ, Diane Pfahler, SND, Bridget Sperduto

If your soul has been desiring a time of quiet and reflection, give yourself the gift of five days of “time away” during this Pandemic, in the safety of your home. With a retreat opening session at 9AM Monday, group sessions every evening at 7PM (CST), and daily meetings with your spiritual director to fit your schedule, this retreat offers flexibility for people who are retired, working, taking care of children, and/or in a different time zone. Cost: $150
Find out more/register


Praying with the Song of Your Life
Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17

M-F Group Sessions: 9:00 AM; 1:00 PM; 7:00 PM (CST)

Begin each morning and afternoon on Zoom with Kathy Sherman, CSJ, and other retreatants, with a short reflection and a song. The rest of your day is for contemplating how God’s song…how Love’s song is being sung through you and your life. Regroup in the evening, to gather the graces of the day and share insights. Cost: $150 / $200 in combination with Online Directed Retreat
Find out more/register


The Sense of Wonder: Learning to Thrive in a Time of Pandemic
Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7

Group Sessions: MON-THUR: 9:00 AM and 4:00-5:00 PM (CST)
     FRI: 9:00 AM (CST)

During this retreat, we will develop simple practices of attentiveness that encourage us not simply to reduce ourselves to “managing,” but to go further in thriving. For in the midst of all the uncertainties facing us lies a greater certainty, one rooted in the deep and inviolable beauty of this life. Cost: $150
Find out more/register


Or, how our “sixth sense” might still save us
Wednesday August 5

7:00 – 8:30 PM (CST)

This talk is an invitation to learn again how to hone our “sixth sense,” the capacity to wonder. In this mid-retreat reflection, Mark Burrows will share in condensed form some of his learnings and teachings on this “sixth sense.” Cost: Free will offering / Suggested range: $5-15
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