Gail Worcelo and Amie Hendani, Sisters of Green Mountain:
Wisdom for this Moment in Time

Friday, May 1, 10-11:30 AM CST on Zoom

suggested range: $20-30

This interactive presentation will include input, prayer, meditation and conversation.

Gail Worcelo, SGM, a frequent presenter at The Well and co-founder of Green Mountain Monastery in Greensboro, VT, met Thomas Berry in 1984 as a Passionist novice, and continued to study with, be mentored and guided by him until his death in 2009. She is passionate about giving herself fully to the fire of Christ’s love and its energy to transform the world. She currently co-leads a collective exploration of the spiritual life with a group of women from around the world.

Amie Hendani, SGM was born in Jakarta, the Capitol of Indonesia. Raised in an urban setting, she had limited experience with the natural world but full immersion in typical third world issues of poverty, and inequality. Guided in a mysterious way to make her first profession with the Sisters of Green Mountain Monastery, her original question – “who am I?” – has changed into – “who are WE?” – because she cannot separate herself from the larger community of life and its unfolding throughout time.

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